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How to Make a Blog or Website with Easy and Fast

How to make this blog can be done by anyone. You have to do is that you must already have the E-Mail. Because the E-mail you used as a requirement to fill the data when registering. But this time you still participate in blogspot, because your blog is a free blog. not need to pay. If you want a premium to stay then deposited the money you can make your blog more beautiful address for example: www.ravindra.com / www.ravindra.co.id etc. but if not certainly not an issue premium is a bit long for example: www.ravindra.blogspot.com. in fact many are involved in wordpress eg www.ravindra.wordpress.com. free is also not an issue which is important to work with the writings on your blog.
Well, for those who are ready to sign up, follow the steps below:
  • Visit at www.blogger.com
  • Click Registered Up corner of your laptop, look at the picture below!

  • Then complete the required data!
  •       You must check the blank and then click the Next Step!

    • Do not forget fill number phone because it will be used for verification data. In a short time you will get the message from google. Open message! and fill code in the blank colom!

    • Later will come the name of your blog, editing photos may I help you later to change it, just comment on this post!
    • Next you click the Next Step!
    • You will receive the congratulations of the Google team
    • Then click aja Back to Blogger
    • Keeps you will see you are still smooth profile no picture, but it is easy wrote, later living editing so.
    • Click Continue immediately wrote to Blogger will appear as follows.

    • Then click Create New, (See picture above)
    • Then will come a number of blank fields in which you need to fill
    • The title of your content, it will be the name of your blog.
    • Fill in your address, it will be your web address: www.maaziqal.blogspot.com (see picture)

    •        Select the template, when clicking edit entries
    •        There would Appear as follows.

    • Then please click on the image pen (see picture above) means you can start making posts.
    • Fill in the post title and its contents. After that save your post. And see the blog.
    • Teng teng ........ so deh

    Hopefully useful, do not forget to comment, because your comment is very useful for this blog, thank you!


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